So, on this seventh day of Christmas and final day of the year, we wave goodbye to 2008 and stay up late to greet 2009....
The kids and I drove "down the hill" today as they had gift cards and Christmas money burning holes in their respective pockets. After I saw Dr. Burns, our chiropractor, and picked up a check from his receptionist for work Keith has done at her place (she is sooooo pleased and even showed us photos from her camera of his work), we continued on with our long list of errands....
-- Henry's (natural food store) for yogurt and freshly-baked French bread to go with our soup tonight
-- Our Credit Union, to deposit the check into our account
-- Target, where we ate our packed lunches in the car before going in. The kids were given gift cards to Target. I bought TicTacs, while B and T bought Bionicles and E found a new purse and candy canes on sale.
-- GameStop, where we looked but didn't buy.
-- 99 Cent Store, where E stocked up on peppermint sticks (she's our peppermint girl!) and I bought two pairs of brown socks so I don't have to keep rewearing the one pair of brown socks I currently own. B also stocked up on peppermint sticks -- these are the big ones that were being sold 4 for $1.
-- Payless Shoes, where I saw a great purse (olive green suede) on sale for $8 but restrained myself.
-- WalMart, where E bought the third Twilight book, B and T bought more Bionicles, and J bought a small Star Wars figure.
-- Guitar Class for J, while E read her new Twilight book and T & B built Bionicles. I wrote a little in my journal until Dru came, and we chatted.
-- WalMart again, where E purchased the 4th Twilight book that she realized she could afford after all, and T helped J buy the Star Wars set he really wanted. I bought Chex Mix for our New Years Eve family party tonight.
So after eating chicken vegetable soup with French bread tonight, we'll settle down with board games to wile away the time until 2009 arrives. We'll see if B makes it. Keith has to leave for work by 8:15 tomorrow, so he'll be heading to bed by 11 PM or so. And then tomorrow the kids and I are headed up the mountain to play in the snow and play more board games at the cabin with my parents and my brother and his kids. It should be a fun day.
So, auf wiedersehen 2008, and tag 2009!