Our Southern California baptismal font: at the Reynolds' home in El Cajon. This is the life -- my apologies to my East Coast friends who are experiencing a REAL January in all its snowy glory while we enjoy temperatures in the 70s.

Pastor Nathan Hogan asks B questions that affirm B's faith in Christ his Lord as B answers that he loves Jesus and intends to follow him all his life. Nathan had to broadcast B's answers as he whispered them to Nathan. Being baptized in front of almost a hundred people can be a little (or a lot) scary to an eight-year-old!

Pastor Nathan immerses B after B answered his questions and affirmed his faith in Christ.

Amidst all the cheers and applause, Pastor Nathan helps B out of the jacuzzi after his baptism.

Keith helped B out of the jacuzzi and into a towel to dry off. Here is a happy B, very proud that he made it through this ordeal and never has to do it again!
We had sincerely hoped to have Father Acker from Alpine Anglican there to help with baptizing B, but he and his wife were on a plane back to San Diego after a retreat in Northern California and they were going straight from the airport to a memorial service at Fort Rosecrans for the Arnolds' uncle, a Pearl Harbor survivor and hero.
Anyway, nearly a hundred people poured into the beautiful garden and pool area belonging to the Reynolds family. Four children were baptized, along with three adults, so ages 7 through the 70s were baptized today from Lake Murray Community Church. Despite asking to be baptized this past summer, B has been VERY nervous in the last few weeks, especially after he found out that Father Acker wouldn't be present. Meeting with Pastor Nathan last week really helped calm his nerves, even if B wouldn't look Nathan in the face during the entire interview. But B did it! And we are so very proud of him.
So today was a joyful day, and the weather certainly agreed with temperatures in the low 70s and blue, blue skies that seemed much more like May than January -- perfect weather for a huge barbecue and a great church-wide celebration. It was a blessed day, and especially blessed for us with our youngest child being baptized (the other three were baptized in San Diego Bay a few years ago). We're proud of you, B! Welcome to the Family of God, little guy!
1 comment:
Now that's what a baptism should be! LOL Love the weather, the setting, the photos, the big smile on B's face!
Congratulations to all.
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