So today is the twelfth and final day of Christmastide. E and I had planned to take down the tree and other Christmas decorations yesterday, but we just didn't have time. I had much school planning and work on my online class to do, and E had a chemistry experiment to make up, so we'll take everything down this coming Saturday instead. I would rather keep our Christmas things up through Twelfth Night, anyway, so our postponement works well.
Tonight we'll be having an early dinner before joining the Anglicans at the Ackers' home for a Twelfth Night bonfire and party, complete with the traditional treats of sherry and trifle. The boys love the bonfire (little pyros!), and Alice always has hot chocolate on hand for them -- which scares me to death because their living room has lovely and pristine white carpet.
The Collect for the Second Sunday After Christmas is:
Almighty God, who has poured upon us the new light of thine incarnate Word; Grant that the same light enkindled in our hearts may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
With Christmas ending tonight, we have Epiphany -- the day we celebrate the Magi traveling to see the Christ Child -- beginning tomorrow. In past years, we gave the kids a big family present on Epiphany. One year it was their X-Box. Another year it was all six of the Star Wars videos. This year we'll be more subdued, thankful that with Keith out of work, we were able to have a nice Christmas, thanks to family and friends who helped to make 2008 a lovely Christmas indeed. You know who you are. :)
So we wish you a Merry 12th Day of Christmas and a most blessed New Year of 2009!
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