As I settle in for a time of extended prayer today, I add to my journey along the path to One Thousand Gifts with the Gratitude Community of Ann Voskamp's Holy Experience, my favourite spiritual blog.
So I continue on, trudging at times and nearly flying at others, hoping to miss nothing--no thing--that I can thank our Lord for....
236. For the time summer gives me to spend time with the Lord in prayer, in His Word, even if it feels too hot to light candles, even in coolness of early morning and late night.
237. For the strength He gave me to soldier on through a very, very busy spring. I may now be "paying" for those months of overdoing in weakness and pain, my body finally demanding neglected rest, but at least I was able to do good work for my many students at Brave Writer and Heritage Class Days, plus for my own four kiddos.
238. For the lovely response to my new website for my Heritage Class Day students and for my grading service. I've been refining it all week, and am currently waiting for permission to post some sample graded essays from Heritage students and from a grading client. Here is the new website, in case you missed the announcement last week: Susanne M. Barrett.
239. For the faithful readers and commenters of this blog. You have encouraged me so much this week when I shared my journey through chronic illness. You have NO idea how much your words mean to me--the ones posted here and the ones I received on Facebook and via e-mail. I thank God for you, and I thank you!!!
240. For nights with my dear husband, praying together in the warm darkness, holding hands until I fall asleep--the lovely companionship that doesn't need words to be dear and comforting.
241. For opportunities summer brings to spend time with my kids--to just cuddle the boys whenever they want and to enjoy time with Elizabeth before she goes off to Point Loma Nazarene University in the fall.
242. For Elizabeth's friendship with Erika--such a lovely young woman who is godly, wise, and fun to hang out with. I'm so thrilled that she'll be making so many lovely friends in college, too. She's already Facebook friends with her roommate and with many other incoming freshmen.
243. For the work that keeps Keith busy while we pray for more work, a steady job, to come.
244. For Trader Joe's Irish Breakfast Tea to bring me to full consciousness each morning.
245. For Timothy's expert smoothie-making, as I noisily slurp the dregs of his cool and thick strawberry-banana concoction on this very warm afternoon.
You know, it's the little a cup of fragrant tea, or holding hands, or a cold smoothie on a hot afternoon, that birth joy and grateful hearts. The big things bring forth gratitude as well, of course--a wonderful husband, terrific kids, the blessing of warm friendships, work that keeps food in the fridge--but it's in noticing the simple things, the daily things, that nurture true gratitude.
Thanking Him for the big and the little,

I join you in gratitude for delicious tea and yummy smoothies, for extended time to spend in prayer and Bible study.
Enjoyed stopping by today
grace and peace to you
Thanks for stopping by today, Annesta. (What a lovely, lovely name!) I appreciate your taking the time to comment.
Grace be yours,
Susanne :)
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