Sunday, May 12, 2013

Quotation of the Week: On Shakespeare

This is my week "off" between the online Shakespeare classes I teach to homeschooling families through Brave Writer.

As of Friday, I officially finished teaching the Shakespeare Family Workshop in which I teach moms how to expose their kids to Shakespeare's life and works. We start off with an online Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt and then study the Elizabethan Theatre, including making drawings or models of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. In the second week, we learn about Shakespeare's language and poetry. Then we spend a week on Shakespeare's comedy plays, then a week on his histories, and then the final week on his tragedies, highlighting one play of each type and one speech/dialogue from each of those plays. I include lots of YouTube links to different actors' performances of the scenes as we study Much Ado About Nothing, Richard III, and Hamlet.

Next week (May 20), I'll be starting to teach our High School Shakespeare Class which will be reading and discussing Much Ado About Nothing. We'll study Shakespeare's life and language in Week One, then we'll read and discuss the play for the next two weeks, and in the final week we'll watch the Kenneth Branagh film version and also write a Final Writing Project on one of four topics.

So right now I have the above image as my laptop wallpaper, and I've also selected a quotation about Shakespeare as my Quotation of the Week:

"The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good." ~Robert Graves 

So I'll enjoy my week of preparing for the High School Shakespeare Class as I re-watch the Kenneth Branagh movie and collect discussion questions and information on Much Ado and also finish up the last posts from the Shakespeare Family Workshop.

With "Will" power,

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