No One Wants to Admit It...
No one wants to admit it--
to admit when we're wrong,
when we've plunged our knife
into someone's heart, or back
or even slit a throat--
or at least imagine doing it.
No one wants to confess,
to own up to mistakes,
to take the blame.
We want to appear perfect,
without fault,
able "to leap tall buildings
in a single bound."
No one wants to admit
his errors
her sins
his blunders
her wrongs.
It's weak...
to admit our failures.
Isn't it?
For "when we are weak,
then we are strong."
When we confess,
we are cleansed, forgiven.
The wounds disinfected,
so healing can begin--
healing of friendships
of marriages, of families.
And after healing,
after all is forgiven
and restored,
then comes the growth--
a pale greening of spring,
a clear clean blue of sky,
purity of translucent cloud,
and glowing warmth of sun
sprouting good things--
growing, stretching, expanding,
weaving lives together.
Copyright 2010 by Susanne Barrett
Poetically yours,

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