Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy Bee...

I've been beyond busy over the past week. After being ill last week, I managed to eeek my way through Thanksgiving dinner, eating mostly jello. Then on Saturday we threw Keith's sister a surprise 50th birthday party at Lake Murray. After church on Sunday, our Logos group met to discuss Cry, the Beloved Country -- what a wonderful, lyrical, poignant book!

We tried to catch up with home schooling this week, so we've been doing double history, religion, literature, poetry, science, etc., that we didn't get to last week while I was down with the flu. On Tuesday, our women's Bible study met as we continue to discuss St. Peter's first Epistle. Following the study, T and I both had dental appointments, and after a quick picnic lunch, T then had an optometrist appointment. We drove home after a quick stop at Trader Joe's for peanut butter, and we got home with fifteen minutes for me to dress and pack the car for the Arts Fair at the town's clubhouse. We started setting up at 4 PM for the Fair which lasted from 6 PM to 9 PM, and then had to clean up after the Fair was over.

Today we again tried to catch up with school, and I also finally was able to access the Internet again as AOL has been down for the past few days. So I also had computer things to catch up with as well, plus some serious grading that needs to be done for tomorrow's writing classes. I graded the Advanced (honors) class' essays on Monday, and I got through one set of contrast essays for the Intermediate (college prep) class. I'm afraid that they'll have to wait for their comparison papers for two more weeks unless I decide to stay up all night and still manage the 70-mile round trip to Class Day and teach two classes. I don't think so! I have double grading to do because we missed a class due to the fires, and I e-mailed them new assignments so we wouldn't lose much time. Getting ill definitely put me behind, but at least the students will receive feedback from one paper, and I'm planning on going over some grammar issues and formatting stuff that I'm seeing in a good number of the essays.

So I'll be teaching tomorrow, then coming home in the midafternoon to continue teaching history and literature and poetic forms to our own boys. Friday morning consists of Anglican chapel and a chiropractic appointment plus a tutoring session with Johanna who teaches E and T mathematics and algebra. I also need to contact families to light the Advent candles at Lake Murray this Sunday and throughout Advent. The kids want to decorate the house for Christmas on Saturday, and we also need to go to Lake Murray on Saturday afternoon to decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. And I'm planning on going to hear The Messiah at PLNU on Sunday night as my doctor as well as a good number of our choir members are singing.

So it has been and will be a busy time for me. I have lots of things to write about, so I hope to get back here again now that AOL is cooperating and share what's flitting through my wee leetle brain....

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