Saturday, January 12, 2008

Favorite Books and Film of 2007

On the Lamp Post (see address under Sites of Interest), over the last few days we have been discussing our favorite books and movies we read/saw this past year. The books and movies didn't have to be released in 2007, but we had to have read them or have seen them for the first time during the last twelve months.

Many of the women voted Amazing Grace as their favorite film, and several selected Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as their favorite book. I debated with myself and scrolled through my book and film lists for 2007, writing down my favorite fiction and nonfiction books as well as films, and I somehow ended up with eight novels, eight nonfiction books, and eight movies that I would name as being truly "excellent." From those eight, I narrowed down each list to four, and then finally to one. It wasn't easy, but here are my favorite "picks" for fiction, nonfiction, and film for 2007:

Favorite fiction book I read in 2007: Father Elijah by Michael D. O'Brien

Favorite nonfiction book I read in 2007: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard

Favorite film I saw in 2007: Miss Potter

In case you're interested in runner-ups, my other two favorite fiction books were: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and The Thirteenth Tale. My other favorite nonfiction books were: My Life with the Saints, Grace (Eventually), and Eat This Book. And my other favorite films were: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Amazing Grace.

I asked the question in order to glean a few books and films for my own "to read" and "to see" lists, so if you'd like to share some of yours, please put them in the comment area.

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