Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm almost over being sick... I think. It's been a weird illness, hanging on and exhausting me, even today. My appetite still isn't fully back (thanks be to God on the weight loss front!), and I'm still struggling with weakness and dizziness.

So I'm posting a link to another excellent post by Jennifer at Conversion Diary. While the kids and I were sick last week, I regaled them with Jennifer's hilarious scorpion and Yaya stories, and they literally rolled on the floor, laughing uproariously. But Jennifer's serious side is wonderfully inspirational, and this post is among the best I've read at her site in the 18 months I've been following her.

She writes about Balance in Life ... something I desperately need and pray for, and something she finds (and I am finding) takes the "S" word: sacrifice. It's a hard word to take, and an even more diffcult one to put into practice, but I pray I can do so.

I let it go while being sick these past ten days, but I have my cell phone alarm programmed with church bells ringing at 12:30 for Midday Prayer and at 6:00 PM for Vespers. I do okay with Morning Prayer when I get up and Compline when I go to bed, but stopping in my tracks twice a day and hauling myself upstairs to pray hasn't been easy. But it's been good. Very good.

1 comment:

Anne said...

That's a great habit you have cultivated to stop everything and pray the liturgy of the hours. I need to get moving on that!


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