Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gratitude Is Never Late....

"Mount Laguna Sunset" taken by Keith Barrett, December 2010
...even if I am.

So as the bustle of Christmas preparations swirl around us, may we find those brief moments of quiet, the solace of silence, to gather our thoughts, to number our many blessings.

Thus I continue on the journey to One Thousand Gifts with the Gratitude Community at A Holy Experience, sharing my thanks with you and my praise as an encouragement--to you and to myself, for I crave encouragement right now with Christmas upon us and prayers for the provision to pay late bills and purchase a small gift for each of the boys, plus a few things for their stockings. So I plan to read through many other thanks of the Gratitude Community so that my own heart, a wee bit discouraged right now, can be encouraged--given the courage I need--and that I may walk in confidence ("con" is Latin for "with; "fide" is Latin for "faith") so I pray to "walk with faith" through these last days of Advent, and I pray to "walk with faith" and with joy, for the True Gift is free to us, for "we were bought for a price" (1 Corinthians 6:20).

So this Third Week in Advent, I give thanks to our loving, faithful God for:

451. ...His grace and faithfulness, despite my fears and faithlessness

452. ...Indian-summer weather in December, warm with sunshine seeping deep into stiffened joints

453. ...the glory of His gorgeous sunsets, and my husband's photographic skill in capturing their inexpressible beauty

454. ...the absence of homeschooling for four weeks, a vacation very much needed, a time of rest entirely necessary to refuel for work in January

455. ...the blessings and help of family when our finances are so tight

456. ...the losing of ten pounds over the last six weeks or so--just 50 more to go, the gain a result of steroid medication

457. ...Keith's 20-pound weight loss, a side-effect of a special diet to heal infection

458. ...the joy of having Elizabeth home for three weeks starting Friday

459. ...the carols of Advent and Christmas which always warm heart and soul

460. ...the simple task of addressing Christmas letters, praying for each family as I write, dipping the shiny brass nib into evergreen-hued ink
May we be abrim with gratitude as we walk these final days of Advent in anticipation of the celebration of Christ's Incarnation, and as we also await His Second Coming in glorious majesty--far more glorious than we can ever imagine....

Wishing you and yours a blessed Adventide and Christmas,

1 comment:

Lisa Grace said...

Visiting from Homeschool Hop ... great blog. Thanks so much for sharing :)


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