Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wise Words

Although in my heart I adore classic literature, I have a few contemporary writers whom I really enjoy, from whom I learn a great deal about faith, about writing, about life. And Anne Lamott is definitely near, if not at, the top of this rather short list.

In the April 2010 issue of Sunset, Anne published a very wise article about how we spend our time. In this age of harried busyness, of our allowing Internet, texting, and Twitter to gobble our time, her words are true and extremely helpful, especially for writers.

So although I don't often post links to other articles here (or haven't done so lately), I really want to share her wise words with all of you, and I pray that I can apply them to my own writing life as well.

"Time Lost and Found" by Anne Lamott

Wishing you all a blessed and unhurried Advent Season,

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