Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Quotation of the Week

We've had some discouraging news over the past few days regarding our daughter's dreams of attending Point Loma Nazarene University in the fall. Her Cal Grant fell through due to a technicality, then she missed the academic scholarship provided by the university by 50 points. So, sad and unsure of her future plans for the fall, it's been a tough evening.

As I thumbed through my journal of quotations, the one in which I have been keeping for almost nine years, I came across a snippet from one of my favorite books, The Practice of the Presence of God.

"We must keep our eyes fixed on God in everything we say, do, or undertake. Our goal is to be the most perfect adorers of God in this life as we hope to be throughout all eternity. We must make a firm resolution to overcome, with God's grace, all the difficulties inherent in the spiritual life."

--Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

So we pray that God will work out this snarl, showing us how to proceed in planning her future in His grace.

Walking in His Light,

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