Saturday, June 9, 2007

Simple Pleasures: My Brain on Paper

Okay, this one isn't the cheapest item around, but it's worth its weight in solid gold. The New Yorker Desk Diary lays open on my desk all year to the current week. Each two-page spread has long columns for the weekdays, and Saturday and Sunday share a column. Each hour is covered from 8 AM to 6 PM on the weekday spaces, with a space in between to mark events occurring on the half-hour and a space of three lines after 6 PM marked "Evening." Plus each week contains a witty New Yorker cartoon, something I've missed dreadfully since not subscribing to the magazine. This desk diary is perfect in every way.

I mark piano lessons, chiropractor and doctor appointments, E's tutoring and babysitting gigs, Bible study times, parties and fun stuff, Creative Arts meetings -- everything! It's so linear and orderly -- just how I wish my mind could be. The way it used to be, anyway.

Then it has a large space (4" X 5") for each week for NOTES. I can apply little sticky note reminders in this area, or I can write myself reminders, such as "Call Dr. Burns and move Tuesday's appt." or "Buy cards for Lianna and Kevin."

I don't think I could function without this desk diary, or the B&N one I usually get but was defective this year and pulled from the shelves. $25 is cheap for this kind of organization -- less than 50 cents per week. And that's a simple and absolutely necessary pleasure.

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