Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Final Art Class.....

Our final "Taste of Art" class today featured Julanna Loveberg, an watercolor artist in her early 80s, who came up to our town and taught eighteen students from age six to adult. Julanna is amazing -- she's taught art for fifty-some years and teaching painting techniques of all kinds is one of her passions; intercessory prayer is another.

E came as a helper, but she ended up bent over watercolor paper, creating a wash of yellow ochre and crimson. Her final product is below....

Much of my time this summer has been devoted to these art classes for our backcountry community. Our fledgling arts council sponsored summer classes in two small towns featuring courses in music, writing, woodworking, and now watercolors. All together we've had nearly thirty participants each week, so I'd say that our first foray into providing community classes has been a success. And the small fee we charged ended up covering all our materials and also put a little money into the kitty as well.

As much as I've enjoyed these classes, both as a teacher and as a helper, I'm looking forward to these last three weeks (including this one) before we resume our home schooling and before my "free" time will be at an end. I hope to get back to writing and research over these last few weeks; I haven't accomplished very much at all this summer as far as working on my book. I'm also hoping that the accountability that comes from our new writing workshop will help me keep my nose to the grindstone a bit more. With the boys gone for three hours each afternoon this week for Sports Camp (our small town church's version of Vacation Bible School), I'm hoping to pull out my laptop and at least get my introduction sketched out this week.

But I'm thankful for these art classes; I've learned at least as much as the participants, which is always, always, a blessing.

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