A bunch of women from my online community (The Lamp Post, see sidebar link) started 365 blog projects on January 1. Basically, they post a photo a day for a whole year and thereby have a record in photos of the year.
I, however, did not have a digital camera. Keith's is a professional-level Nikon D-70, and so for my birthday in March I asked for a small digital camera so I could join my 365 friends. Well, Keith thought that a certain Sony would work best for me, but it was last year's model and hard to find. He finally ordered it from an online place, but they let us know this week that it was "back ordered indefinitely." So much for the Sony.
So Keith came home lasy night with an Olympus Stylus 740, a very small camera with video function (great with kids), image stabilization (for my shaky hands) and 5 times zoom. Very nice! Above is a photo of my miniature bird bath in my front flower garden, where little alyssum are popping up and will conquer the entire bed by mid-July.
So now I've joined my 365 cohorts, and hope to learn a little more about the art of photography both through the process and from my dear husband. I'm more grateful than ever for his year at Brook's Institute of Photography!
So check out my photos at http://susanne365.blogspot.com/ or see the link on the sidebar.
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