Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Pool Party

This afternoon Keith and I arrived at the Reynolds' El Cajon home with Keith's special Spanish Rice and corn fritters to add to the potluck Mexican dinner. Within minutes, Keith and I were both in the pool, enjoying the coolness of the water after a day in the mid-100s. Kitty, Guy, William, Dan, and a bunch of kids were alreadysplashing about, playing water basketball and frisbee. We didn't realize that kids were invited, but we were rather glad we didn't bring them anyway as it was very nice to give our full attention to our friends from church and not be distracted or interrupted by our gang. We MAY bring them next year ... MAYBE.

Keith and I spent hours in the pool, getting our briefly for a wonderful dinner which included homemade tamales, the afore-mentioned Spanish Rice, salad, enchilada casserole, fritters, fruit salad, refried beans, amd other delicious dishes. Within twenty minutes we women were back in the pool with some of the girls while the men stayed out, talking and eating. We got out around dessert time while Pastor Steve, Randy, and some of the kids got into the pool (see shot above). The sunset over the pool was gorgeous as were my dear friends, Kitty and Diana, who looked stunning despite hours immersed in the pool (for photos see my 365 blog in blog list at sidebar).

We stayed outside, breathing in the finally-cool evening air and talking together poolside about the new preschool starting at church tomorrow, about Pastor Steve's dissertation, and about the playground at church that Keith built five years ago that is no longer up to code for the preschoolers and possible ways of changing its configuration to make it work. As darkness fell in earnest, we packed up the leftover rice and fritters and bade goodbye and thanks to our host and hostess, as well as to other families who were on their way home, too.

So this is how we rang out the summer: in the pool or gathered around the pool with great church friends, laughing and talking and eating and laughing some more. That's the loveliest way to say "goodbye" to summer, although with temps forecasted for well over 100 again tomorrow, summer doesn't really feel like it's planning on leaving anytime soon, unfortunately.

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