Thursday, April 8, 2010

NaPoWriMo #8: More Tanka

I've recently been teaching my 4th-6th grade poetry class at our homeschool group's Class Days about writing haiku and tanka poems.

Being a rather verbose writer with a weak self-editing streak, I tend to prefer the tanka as I have two more lines (and 14 more syllables) to work with in the tanka versus the haiku. Plus tanka are about relationships (supposedly)--about the subjective--while haiku are stubbornly objective.

I prefer subjective.

So here's another tanka--also because I couldn't wrap my head around ReadWritePoem's new prompt and have been working with my literary analysis class's assessment of Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" at Brave Writer all day, so I haven't much working brain left.

But I can count syllables.

I think.

And focus on the tea towel pinned to my pantry door, glimpsing there a love-affair of sorts:

home I've never seen
nestling green in Irish Sea,
an amoeba-shape
undulating southward--a
distant affair: Isle of Man.
Original version before reading RWP prompt again:

home I've never seen
nestling green in Irish Sea,
an amoeba-shape
undulating southward--
an ancient berth: Isle of Man

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