Wednesday, April 7, 2010

NaPoWriMo Day 7: Tanka

ReadWritePoem gives us our Day 7 prompt: write a tanka on a humorous love situation. I think I'll use the tanka form (which I had seriously considered writing before I read the prompt) to tell a story from my own marriage--the premiere April Fools' Day joke my husband ever played on me:

he reveals his love
by stringing wire around
the edge of their bed
to switch bedlamp off, on, off--
teasing her for April Fools.
And a bonus tanka for spring:
fluttering, spring comes
revealing faith, hope, and love
in brimming puddle
and in budding daffodil--
yellow as a May sunset.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Well done! Glad the tanka has worked for you! Naughty husband though. ;-)


Susanne Barrett said...

Thank you, Alan. Yes, he was rather naughty! He kept the joke up for two whole weeks before I figured it out. The rascal!! :)


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