Wednesday, February 14, 2007

St. Valentine's Day

My dear husband gave me what I love most for St. Valentine's Day: ROSES.

But these are not the kind that will fade away in less than a week. These are teh real deal -- Jacson and Perkin's roses for our garden. "Blaze," a gorgeous red climber, and "Watermelon Ice," a blush single bush. I look forward to the roses I will enjoy this summer. How lovely!

The whole beginning of this celebration of love was a martyrdom. Back in the year 269 A.D., a young Roman priest refused to worship the emperor. On February 14, this priest, Valentine, was martyred for the faith. This much is acknowledged as historical fact.

The legendary portion of the story states that Valentine had befriended the jailer's daughter. On the day he died, he left a letter for her, signed "From your Valentine." There started the idea of giving love notes and "Valentines."

I find inspiration in St. Valentine's story -- in his love for God and concern for others. May God's love envelop us all, as He is our first Love and eternal "Valentine."

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