Monday, August 16, 2010

Continuing the Gratitude Journey

Some words resonate with me. They're my words. They belong to me, entwining heart, mind, soul. A little thrill buzzes in my deep o' deeps when I read them, hear them, write them, committing them to paper or monitor where they wink at me on the page, behind the cursor.

(especially when combined with Path)

This morning dawned hot, more summerish than we've seen, felt, thus far--hinted at by the low-hanging clouds last night at sunset. The air hangs heavy with moisture, with the possibility of afternoon showers. I scoop my hair into a ponytail, off my neck. The kids dress cool as they get ready for their jobs, E at the Bible Camp, the two older boys hauling cement blocks for an older couple in our small town. Only B is home with me this morning, his thumbs flying as he attacks Orcs on the TV screen.

Thus begins our final week of summer vacation; our home school, less one, will start a week from today. I have books bought, but no planning done. I have a desk that desperately needs to be cleared and cleaned. Much looms...much to be done. But it will all be ready. It always is.

So this week I continue on the Path to 1000 Gifts with the Gratitude Community, learning to thank God for the little things as well as the big ones....

286. For mountain sunsets pinking across the skies, the fields, in the fresh gloaming which leads to peaceful nights.

287. For children who are willing to work hard, to be responsible.

288. For a peaceful summer that contained rest, relaxation, and occasional fun

289. For a husband who combs Craig's List, searching for a replacement refrigerator and a replacement sofa, and who found both just today, plus more free firewood available right here in our town.

290. For piles and mounds of free eucalyptus, split by Keith and the boys--six to seven cords, ready to be stacked for winters to come.

291. For clouds scudding across summer skies, hinting at a possible afternoon thundershower.

292. For friends who share their kitchens, their lives, their wisdom when I stop by for a chat.

293. For worship on a Sunday morning, Book of Common Prayer spread on my lap while I pray and glory in Love.

294. For enough funds to purchase all our needed curriculum for this year of home education.

295. For Grace...every minute of every hour of every day.

In gratitude for abundant blessings,

holy experience


Kim Hyland said...

What rich words. "Gloaming" - my 17 year old son just introduced that one to me recently. "Lavender" - I can almost smell it. "Journey" and "grace" . . your post was a joy to read. Thank you.

Susanne Barrett said...

Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words, Kim. I love how we can encourage each other through our blogs. :)

So glad you stopped by and commented!


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