Monday, January 11, 2010

More Additions to the Gratitude Community

Having recently joined the Gratitude Community at Holy Experience, my list slowly grows:
41. Winter sunsets glowing behind unleaved trees

42. Food in our cupboard

43. My husband's Master Chef cooking abilities

44. The apples given us by a beloved neighbor, and the applesauce Keith made from them this weekend:

45. The teachings about God's Will we learned at church on Sunday as a family and from various books

46. Words bubbling up from the deeps where God's whispers dwell and grow to fruition

47. My teenage and tweenage boys who still love to give me long hugs

48. The lovely stack of firewood filling our woodbox, thanks to friends who kindly provided it for us -- we will be warm and toasty this month

49. The spare yet beautiful mountains littered with rocks and stones, cupped into place by the palm of God

50.The putting of our house to rights after the Christmas decorations

holy experience

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