Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Intriguing Christian View of the Twilight Saga

Everyone seems to have an opinion about the ever-popular Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. The majority of Christians seem to frown at the four-novel tale of a human-vampire-werewolf love triangle. But the Twilight Saga can teach young people a great deal about how to live life, how to love, how to rise above one's self, to live and love sacrificially.

One of my former writing students posted this link on Facebook, and I thought it helpful in aiding parents in deciding whether to read the four books of the Twilight Saga. This article, written by John Nolte, Editor-in-Chief of Big Hollywood, claims that "the kids are indeed right."

See what you think:
The "Twilight" Phenomenon: The Kids Are All Right

I especially like the point about Edward's insistence on chastity in his and Bella's relationship--definitely NOT a common message in teen films or novels--among other bright spots in the Twilight Saga. I also greatly appreciate the pro-life message in the final book, Breaking Dawn.

I greatly enjoy the books--far more than the movies. The beauty of the epic love story of Edward and Bella is an example of the sacrificial love we should indeed have for one another, a sacrificial love I see as a type of Christ's sacrificial love for each of us.

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